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USW Members Create High-Quality Clothing in Maine

"In 2008, Anaam Jabbir was making ends meet by altering garments for neighbors on a small machine in her home in Iraq. Today, she is a proud Woman of Steel, making clothing for a Living and serving as unit chair for Local 366 in Portlai1d, Maine. J abbir is one of about two dozen USW members who produce American Roots Wear (AR), a 100 percent U.S.­ sourced, union-made line of customized fleece sweatshirts, jackets and blankets."


"We take enormous pride in our work force," said AR co-owner Ben Waxman, who founded the company with his wife, Whitney Reynolds.


The common thread that runs through both the AR work force and the products that they make is the idea that, in the end, everything has its roots in America. 

"We are Americans, and we make our products in America. It's not just our job.  It's our dream." – Khalid Al Kinan

Read the full article at on USW@Work's website


–Aljazz, Ragad Ado, "American Roots, USW Members Create High Quality Clothing in Maine," USW@Work, Volume 14, Issue 2, Cover story, p. 4-9.